Friday 19 May 2017

treaty of waitangia

the treaty of waiting is what we were learning about last term
we went to the Pirogia  museum and took a look at some old photos
and stuff😶 I learnt lots of interesting things About  history and that
nz is a mining country and they dug for coal

Friday 5 May 2017

Integrity Games

Ready, steady go. "Weeeee!" They ran across the tiny field like a bunch of rabbits in spring, except they were robbers running to the shop with cops trying to catch them. It was so funny to see their little legs running like mad.😁 I was trying not to laugh my head off. One of the kids got caught and that made my day. I really enjoyed it and so did the little kids🌚.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

bike time this year

This year we brought our bikes to school and played a few games
like the box game.The box game was a game where
you ride around on your bike in a circle and try not to
put your foot down.We also played turtle race
the turtle race is a race where you have to go as slow as
you can an I was very bad at it I went way to fast and came 
last sadly . My chain flew loose, my bike went out of control
and I fell off, anyway I enjoyed my bike time!!!!