Monday 9 November 2015

Bird shelter

This is my plan and model of the shelter I created for a bird.
When I made the model I couldn't make a pointed roof so I just made it flat.
My shelter was made to keep the bird safe from predators, and I have a place in the back for food and water.  I had a lot of fun painting it.

Friday 25 September 2015

Junior Production

This is a video of our class song at the Junior Production.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bee report

A bee is an insect.  the Latin name for a bee is Apis malarial. It is an invertebrate.
Bees live in hives and on honey farms. Bees also come from Europe. Bees live in hives.
Bees have a proboscis for sucking up nectar. A bee looks like wasp. A bee is an inveterate because it has no backbone. Bees have stripes to warn predators that it is poisonous.
A bee can only fly 5 miles away from the hive.
Never  swat bees just because they are flying around.  Don't make bees sting you because then they will use a part of their body and die.